Just recently, at Quit Smoking Expert in Capalaba, I had someone who found it difficult to go into a trance. Before the process, I emphasised that he would need to accept all my suggestions 100% with no questions asked. I told him that he if did not accept my suggestions or questioned them, the process of going into a trance would not work. I also emphasised that I would not give him any inappropriate suggestions as he would not accept them and would not be good for my business if I had clients saying that I was giving inappropriate suggestions.
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. In other words, it is up to you to allow yourself to go into a trance. All the hypnotist does is lead and guide you into a hypnotic trance with suggestions. When you do not accept the suggestions or question them, then the process does not work.
Often when this occurs, it is because the client does not fully understand the process or there is a lack of trust. In this case, the client did not fully trust himself or me. To address this, I explained the process more fully and cited examples of what had happened with other people. What did not help was that the client had a preconceived notion of how it would be in a trance, even though I had told him that he would not. This preconception caused him to question what was happening, and as a result, he found it impossible to go into a trance.
If you want a successful outcome when quitting smoking, I suggest that you accept the hypnotist’s suggestions 100% with no questions asked and have no preconceived idea of what should be happening. Go with the flow, trust the hypnotherapist, and you will become a non-smoker with ease.

About Steve Gardiner

Stephen Gardiner originates from Rhodesia, (Zimbabwe) then working around the globe before finally settling in Brisbane Australia. As a scientist, Steve always had an interest in human development, especially Mind Plastisicity and how we cope with stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours. Over the past 15 years Steve has assisted many clients to transform their lives by resolving the obstacles holding them back.

Entries by Steve Gardiner