Is Smoking an Addiction?

Is Smoking an Addiction or a Habit? Let’s break that myth right now! The majority of smokers believe they are ‘addicted to nicotine! But, did you know, it is a scientific fact that within 72 hours all trace of nicotine has disappeared from the body.  The body starts to heal immediately after your last cigarette.

Smoking Addiction or Habit

The Myth of  Smoking being Addictive was circulated by the tobacco companies to ‘trick’ smokers into believing they could not quit smoking cigarettes.  Smokers have been convinced that it is very hard, if not impossible, to stop smoking. In fact, two […]

Smoking, it’s too expensive

It’s becoming very expensive to smoke in Australia. The average smoker smokes about 25 cigarettes a day which equates to about $ 8000 per year. I don’t know about you but that is a lot of money.

Think about it, what could you do with an extra $ 8000? You could use it to have fun or to pay off some debts or invest it. Either way it’s a nice bit of extra money.

I am getting more and more people coming to me to stop smoking because of the cost. Whilst this is a factor in quitting smoking it is not […]

Is That Really True?

When people come to me to quit smoking at Transformations Coaching and Hypnotherapy I ask them why they want to quit smoking cigarettes. This is a vital question because it is the prime motivator for quitting.

The usual answers are health, money, children, control, smell and it is anti-social. But is this really the true reason?

There is a lot more under these answers and one needs to get to these to really have an successful outcome. If you look at a lot of the reasons why a person wants to quit cigarettes you will find that the underlying motivation is to […]