What is Hypnosis and is it difference from NLP or Neuro-Linguistic-Programming? The answer to this question would depend on who you asked!
Hypnosis is a very ancient therapy dating back the early Egyptians and Romans. It has been used in various ways, especially by Royalty for the treatment of both physical and mental illness. Sigmund Freud used hypnotherapy until, due to a speech difficulty, he introduced ‘talk therapy’ which has become our modern psychology. Modern hypnosis was made popular by Milton Erickson in the 1950’s. Erickson had a powerful command of language and the use of metaphors. He was noted for his ability to ‘utilize’ anything about a patient to bring change. Dr Erickson included their beliefs, culture, backgrounds, words, even neurotic habits. Ultimately, Erickson had an important influence on NLP which was based, in part, upon his working methods.
Hypnotherapy is accepted as a method for creating long term change for change in behaviour, beliefs and habits, however there is much more to hypnosis than that.
Hypnosis is used in Europe, especially Belgium, as a accepted and often preferred method of anesthesia during operations. Patients can be given a choice. Anesthetists are trained in both chemical and hypnotic methods of pain control. The benefits: patient recovery times and stays n hospital are dramatically reduced. We all hear of ‘hypno-birthing’ which is gaining popularity every year. Pain control for patients with long term injuries is widely accepted.
How does Hypnosis Work?
Hypnosis is a method of guiding a client into a trance state, after which suggestions are given to change ‘thoughts, memories, or habits’ that are negatively impacting on the persons life. These are deep seated responses that are ‘triggered’ unconsciously when certain criteria are met.
Hypnosis is useful in resolving long-term anxiety, stress and Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder – PTSD. At Quit Smoking Expert we work with clients who have addictive behaviours, such as quitting smoking, weight loss, gambling, drinking and even, sex additions. However, our passion is to resolve long term anxiety, stress, PTSD and allow people to get their life back. Contact us for more details.
NLP is a modern therapy. Devised and promoted in the 1970’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It is an approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy for those who had difficulty is attaining results with hypnosis. NLP requires active participation by the client. It is techniques to bring about change subtly. It requires the therapist to make the client aware of images that are creating a ‘bad’ feeling within them, before that the feeling can be changed. So, in essence, it is conscious participation to make unconscious change.
An example of how this works in reality.
An example: a client who is highly successful needs to present a talk to a group. The thought of public speaking, brings about cold sweats, shaking, maybe illness. Unconsciously, there is a ‘fear’ which is creating that anxiety. Both NLP and Hypnosis can resolve this. Hypnosis is quick, as it is direct suggestions addressing the problem and does not need the client to ‘know’ what happened in the past. NLP, requires client participation and is a slower process to get to the same results.
In conclusion: Hypnosis is the original therapy, NLP is a derivative of hypnosis influenced by Dr Milton Ericksons methods. They both work. Hypnotherapists are trained to use NLP techniques in their sessions. However, a person trained in NLP may not be a trained or qualified hypnotherapist.