Science Doesn’t Lie
At Quit Smoking Expert here in Capalaba, we know how poisonous and dangerous nicotine is, even thirdhand. I am a crop scientist by training and the first crop I ever grew was tobacco. As an agronomist, it was my job to know exactly what was in the tobacco that we produced and sold. The nicotine content, and the sugar (yes, the sugar content). At the time, I was an Expert in my field, recognised internationally. The science doesn’t lie, tobacco and the treatment that it goes through to manufacture cigarettes is not good for your body. Nicotine is an S6 poison! Sugar is highly addictive.
Passive Smoking
We know that inhaling smoke from a cigarette someone else is smoking is dangerous. It is called passive smoking. The dangers of passive smoking have now increased with the banning of smoking in shopping centres and other indoor areas.
Sounds weird; but think about it. It is illegal to smoke inside a shopping centre, so smokers congregate outside to smoke, usually around the entrances and exits. To enter or leave these buildings, a person has to pass through a cloud of second-hand smoke which exposes you to the dangers and diseases associated with smoking.
e-cigarettes or Vaping
A study was done recently on the dangers of both nicotine and e-cigarettes. The first surprise was the level of nicotine contained in a Vape was up to the level of 15 normal cigarettes. That is a huge amount of nicotine in one ‘ecigarette’. The study also found that the nicotine deposits in the vapour from e-cigarettes land on all surrounding surfaces. The amount of nicotine deposited therefore is significantly higher than from regular cigarettes. These deposits can enter your body via your skin. This is especially dangerous for infants and young children. So, if you are around someone who regularly smokes e-cigarettes, your chances of exposure to third-hand nicotine and its harmful effects significantly increase.
Nicotine Deposits on Clothing, Furnishings
Smoking ordinary cigarettes exposes you to the effects of third-hand nicotine but not as much as e-cigarettes. When nicotine is deposited on a surface, it will enter your bloodstream when you touch that surface. The effect of nicotine is to cause your blood vessels to constrict. This, in turn, raises your blood pressure, increases your chances of stroke and stresses your circulatory system.
Understand that nicotine is a harmful substance. To keep your loved ones safe, including yourself, it makes sense to quit smoking both cigarettes and e-cigarettes. As well as nicotine, there are many other harmful substances in cigarettes, all of which can expose you to some quite horrific diseases; smoking is almost like playing Russian roulette. Maybe you like gambling with your life and smoking, but are you willing to gamble with the life of your child, or your parents? To live a life of vitality and longevity, doesn’t it make sense to stop smoking cigarettes?
BOOK your appointment with us today – PHONE 1300645354