Nicotine, poisonous even thirdhand

Nicotine, poisonous even thirdhand

Science Doesn’t Lie

At Quit Smoking Expert here in Capalaba, we know how poisonous and dangerous nicotine is, even thirdhand.  I am a crop scientist by training and the first crop I ever grew was tobacco.  As an agronomist, it was my job to know exactly what was in the tobacco that we produced and sold.  The nicotine content, and the sugar (yes, the sugar content).  At the time, I was an Expert in my field, recognised internationally.  The science doesn’t lie, tobacco and the treatment that it goes through to manufacture cigarettes is not good for your body.   Nicotine is […]

From Vape Addict to Smoke-Free: How Hypnosis Can Help You Kick the Habit”

From Vape Addict to Smoke-Free: How Hypnosis Can Help You Kick the Habit”

Vaping has become a popular trend among young people in recent years. Has vaping got you hooked?  Do you need to kick the habit or are you already a vaping addict?  It is a cheaper option, but is it safer?  Will vaping kill you in the same way as the nicotine in cigarettes does?  There is a reason you need a prescription to buy Vapes in Australia. Quitting cigarettes can be challenging, but vaping is not the right solution.

Hypnosis Replaces Nicotine Replacement Solutions

People use nicotine replacement therapies, such as gum or patches, to help them quit smoking and/or vaping, but […]

Vaping and Young Smokers

Vaping and Young Smokers

Our Kids are getting sucked into Vaping.  Vaping and youth smokers are a national problem.

The World Health Organisation has just come out with a recommendation that electronic cigarettes are harmful. In the past, they endorsed electronic cigarettes as there was not enough evidence that it is harmful.  BUT Now we have had the deaths of several young kids.  Many children are starting to vape at primary school.  Some are as young as eight years old.

The electronic cigarette is just another way to deliver nicotine to the body, and anybody who thinks nicotine is not harmful is deluding themselves. Nicotine is […]

Is Smoking Addictive?

Are you too physically addicted to cigarettes to free yourself from them?
Usually, you start smoking when you are young and at first you own smoking and you can quit anytime. However, bit by bit smoking starts to own you and eventually it does and many of us feel as if it is now an addiction. The tobacco companies and the perception of society reinforce this.
Most people have tried to quit smoking but have not succeeded, and this reinforces the perception of smoking being an addiction. It’s not just stopping smoking that’s important, but how you stop.
A Russian psychologist named Pavlov […]

What are you missing out on this Christmas? – Guest post by Simone

What are you missing out on this Christmas? – Guest post by Simone

When you’re the only one left smoking – What are you missing out on?

With Christmas just around the corner, I’m thinking of my own personal memories of social gatherings and my loved ones. My grandfather was a smoker, and while I don’t remember exactly when he quit, I do remember he did quit for health reasons. I come from a large family and Christmas was a big event like it is for most people. Even in the early 90’s my family members who smoked did so away from the kids. But I do remember them not being as present. Rather […]

So you want quit smoking?

So you want quit smoking?

So you want to quit smoking? The good news is that you’re not alone. There are thousands of people every day who want to quit. But what will set you apart from everyone else? What will help you succeed? Success in quitting is all within your control and with the right support network and an understanding of why you smoke in the first place, you can absolutely be done with tobacco for good. Our Quit smoking Programme is based in South East Queensland, in the suburb of Capalaba. But if you are not nearby our online programme also works to […]

How do I quit vaping?

How do I quit vaping?

How do I quit vaping?

Vaping was once seen as a stepping stone to quitting. Instead, for many, it has become a replacement. While we still collect information on the safety of vaping vs smoking cigarettes, it is clear that vaping is still an unhealthy alternative.  Is it time to quit vaping?   

The good news is that the process to quit vaping is the same as it is for quitting smoking. The reason you vape e-cigarettes is the same reason you smoke. We tackle this with our hypnotherapy program. 

Vaping E-cigarettes is Trendy

E-cigarette use is also particularly prevalent among young people. Even […]

Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

As the age-old saying goes, health is wealth, so is it time to quit smoking to lead a healthy life? During our lives, we all fall into the trap of becoming addicted to ‘something!’  Smoking is one common addiction of our generation. People start smoking during their teen years for various reasons; one of the prime reasons is peer pressure. However, later in life, as their situation changes and they decide to dump the smoking habit, they find quitting is a challenging task.

Nobody sets out to let smoking control their lives.  But eventually, it does.

As you age, your body starts […]

How to Quit Smoking for Good

The negative health effects of smoking are well documented. Long term smoking significantly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. It’s also a major contributing factor of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) – a group of lung conditions that result in bronchitis and emphysema.

Smoking is so damaging to the body that the CDC estimates that smokers cut their life expectancy by at least 10 years shorter than non-smokers. Yet even if you’re aware of these facts you might find it almost impossible to resist lighting up. Why? Because nicotine – the main ingredient in cigarettes – is incredibly addictive […]