Blogs are they true?

Just recently I came across this blog;
“When we quit smoking, most of us go through a fair amount of junkie thinking – the internal battle between our addiction and ourselves. Early on in smoking cessation, the dialogue can seem relentless. It’s often persistent, annoying and exhausting. It is however, temporary, and the less attention you give to unhealthy thoughts of smoking, the better.
Thoughts of smoking just one cigarette have been the ruin of many good quitting efforts. It’s important for you to realize ahead of time that these mental contortions are a normal part of the recovery process.”
There are a […]

Nicotine should be banned

I was talking to a mate of mine over the weekend and he told me of how his boss was beating smoking by using electronic cigarettes. He told me that by his boss using a nicotine liquid in an electronic cigarette she was beating the risks of cancer! I was blown away by this belief as nothing could be further from the truth.
Nicotine is extremely poisonous and has and still is being used as a pesticide. The thing about the danger of inhaling nicotine is that it causes your blood vessels to constrict; this in turn raises your blood pressure. […]