The Trap

How dare you sneak up
Lured me with your scent
You have imposed a false lifestyle
And stolen my health
Big man, tough man, standing so tall
Glamour in adverts and movies
With your taxes and all

I saw you from childhood
I was conditioned to see
That this is the coolest
The best way to be
Dragged kicking and screaming
No will to resist
Into Venus flytrap I gradually slipped

Two dozen years later
Already tired and sold
How did it come to this
With your uncompromising hold
I can’t even work or answer the phone
Without reaching for a smoke
How am I so prone?

Ink now to paper desperate to stop
Smoke surely billowing
As these words are being cropped
With […]

Tune In and Tune Out Pain

Pain relief has been one of the most researched aspects of hypnosis and there are now many studies to prove that it is very effective. Among the benefits associated with hypnosis is the ability to alter the psychological components of the experience of pain that may then have an effect on even severe pain.
Hypno-analgesia is the term given to the reduction of sensitivity to pain using hypnosis. There are many studies to back up the findings that hypno-analgesia does give relief to pain. In experiments and studies it has been found that hypno-analgesia is associated with significant reductions in: ratings […]

I can’t make you

Recently I was talking to a friend who said he would never allow himself to be hypnotised as he was putting control of his life into the hands of the hypnotherapist.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that you cannot be made to do something that you do not want to do. A lot of us perceive hypnosis from stage shows and TV. Let’s make one thing clear here, stage hypnosis is different from clinical hypnosis. In the case of stage hypnosis, there are always people willing to do outrageous things as they are out for a […]