Cigarette filters

In 1925, inventor Boris Aivaz patented the process of making a cigarette filter from crepe paper, with some variants including cellulose wadding. Aivaz produced the first cigarette filter from 1927 in, but uptake was low due to a lack of the machinery required to produce cigarettes with the filtered tip.
From 1935, a British company began to develop a machine that made cigarettes incorporating the tipped filter. It was considered a specialty item until 1954, when manufacturers introduced the machine more broadly, following a spate of speculative announcements from doctors and researchers concerning a possible link between lung disease and smoking. […]

Darn!! Started Again!

Around about 5% of the clients that come to see us at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes for quitting smoking cigarettes with hypnosis start smoking again. Why is this so? I have been doing some analysis of our clients and have come up with two main reasons why people who quit smoking with us using hypnosis start smoking again.
The first reason is that the client did not really want to stop smoking cigarettes. You would think that if somebody came to see us they really did want to quit. Everybody that smokes needs to quit smoking but not everybody wants […]


At Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes a lot of people come to see us in our Capalaba offices to quit smoking.
It’s when I ask the question of what do you get from smoking that I get some very common excuses. In the persons mind these are valid excuses but at the end of the day these excuses if not addressed it can make it very difficult to quit smoking. Here are some of the most common excuses:
• It’s a crutch, something that is always there for me. If someone were to come to you and say “I’ve got this great […]

Who are You?

One of the biggest difficulties that people have who quit smoking is to see themselves as non-smokers. When you can’t see yourself as a non-smoker then you can’t see the benefits of being a non-smoker.
When you have been smoking for a long time it becomes who you are and in effect when you decide to stop smoking cigarettes you are changing who you are. To change you have to consciously and subconsciously see that being a non-smoker has more advantages than being a smoker.
Consciously you may want to quit smoking cigarettes but if subconsciously you don’t want to then you […]

Quit it All

I get a lot of people that come to me to quit smoking who are smoking marijuana as well. They are either smoking with or without tobacco.

A common question asked of me is can they quit smoking cigarettes but continue to smoke marijuana. My answer to this is no. Smoking marijuana is no different to smoking tobacco.

Any form of smoking after you have stopped smoking cigarettes is just a trigger to start smoking cigarettes again. Smoking marijuana involves the same sort of breathing and often the same physical hand motions involved in smoking cigarettes, all the same triggers.

My advice is […]

Take Control

I had someone who was coming to see me to quit smoking cigarettes and they said that they were really nervous about it.

When I asked them why they were nervous about quit smoking they said to me that it was their crutch and they were afraid that they would fail.

Let’s look at this a little more closely. What they did not realise and what many people do not realise is the control that smoking cigarettes has. When you are relying on smoking to achieve relaxation, stress relief etc it means that you are giving control to your smoking habit.

What I […]


When you decide to quit smoking it is important that you choose someone to help you that you connect with and that you trust.
As with most things in life you will work better with someone when you tryst and connect with them. It’s no different when you decide to stop smoking cigarettes.
When you have decided to quit smoking and you are having someone help you to quit it is really like a partnership between yourself and the person helping you. For this partnership to be effective it is important that there is an element of trust and also connection.
If you […]

Quit Smoking or Resist

It amazes me how often people try to resist hypnosis when they came to quit smoking. One would think that resistance would be the last thing you would do when you come to stop smoking cigarettes.
Before doing the quit smoking process I always make it plain that you are to accept all of my suggestions 100% no questions asked. If you question or do not accept the suggestions then the process will not work. You can take the stance that you always question and do not just accept things. It’s your prerogative but it will not help you to stop […]

Quit Smoking, Quit Control

Quite often I will ask people who have come to me to quit smoking cigarettes if they think that their smoking habit controls them.

In a lot of cases they say that smoking does not control them, even with people who are smoking 40 to 50 cigarettes a day! When I ask them to look closely at how much their day is planned around smoking cigarettes they are often surprised at how much it controls their day.

In a lot of cases they see how much time is wasted searching for cigarettes and lighters, how much anxiety is caused if they don’t […]

Quit Smoking – Lower Nicotine

A recent study in America has shown that when people lower the amount of nicotine in their cigarettes they become less dependent and find it easier to quit smoking cigarettes.

I believe that nicotine is probably one of the worst things in cigarettes as it is nicotine that causes your blood vessels to suddenly constrict and thus interfere with your blood circulation and blood pressure.

It is not understood but if smoking cigarettes with a lower nicotine level helps people to quit then I am all for it. Of course it must still be remembered that this is just a step to […]