Can I be hypnotised?

When using hypnosis to help people quit smoking one of the most common questions asked of me is; can I be hypnotised?
The answer is that only a few people cannot be hypnotised. These are people with a low IQ or certain mental problems. Of course, if you do not want to be hypnotised and you resist then you will not be hypnotised.
All hypnosis is, is a state of focus and acceptance that causes a change of state. We all spend our lives going in and out of hypnotic trance. In fact, we spend about 70 to 80 percent of our […]

Quit Smoking and Breathe Fresh Air

Smoking is a habit; all the research shows that nicotine is not addictive. The secret to stop smoking is to replace the habit of smoking with another habit.
With most ways of quitting smoking the habit is removed but nothing replaces it. This leaves a gap in the unconscious mind. Nature does not like gaps so will fill that gap, usually by you going back to smoking. That’s why people go back to smoking after quitting. That gap needs to be filled with another habit.
This gap can be filled with other habits like exercise or eating. The problem here is that […]

Smoking, The Adult Dummy

One of the most common reasons why people smoke is that they believe that it reduces stress.
The answer to this is yes it does and no it doesn’t. When the nicotine from your cigarettes enters your system your blood vessels very rapidly constrict and your blood circulation is reduced. When you are stressed your muscles clench and need an increased blood supply. You smoke which interferes with this supply, the result is that it increases stress!!
There is a part of smoking cigarettes that reduces stress and this is the hand movements of smoking and the inhaling and exhaling. In fact, […]

Smoking and Health

We all know that smoking is not good for your health. In fact, smoking is the leading factor to heart disease and cancer.
The biggest problem is that the effects of smoking are not usually felt until about the age of 30 or so. It’s only then that you start to become aware of shortness of breath, lack of energy, persistent cough etc.
In the past it was thought that once you had damaged your body with smoking the damage could not be repaired. The good news is that your body can repair the damage from smoking. The earlier you quit […]

Dream to Succeed

Many of us dream(visualise) of what sort of holidays, house, life we want but very few of us dream of how it is going to be when we quit smoking cigarettes.
Sure we may dream after quitting but how many of us dream before we decide to stop smoking. We get what we think about. Think about succeeding at quitting smoking and it will happen, think about not succeeding and it will happen.
What I am getting at is that if you want to increase your chances of quitting smoking then start thinking of yourself as a non- smoker before even attempting […]

It takes time

It’s well know that smoking cigarettes leads to a multitude of illnesses and that it shortens your life.
Even though smoking causes health problems one of the biggest problems is that the health related problems associated with smoking only really become apparent around the age of 40. Before that age you don’t notice the shortness of breath and other related symptoms.
The majority of people who decide to quit smoking fall into the age group of 40 and above. This is because at around 40 the effects of smoking cigarettes become apparent. The most common symptom is the lack of breath and […]

Quitting due to Societal Pressure

There is a lot of pressure from society for people to quit smoking. People are being ostracised and it is getting harder and harder to find a place to smoke. Apart from this the cost of smoking cigarettes is getting more and more.

I have a friend who says that he really enjoys smoking, he says that it is his special something and that he does not want to give up. His family frequently put pressure on him to stop smoking and he says at times he feels that he is almost being bullied.

If you enjoy smoking cigarettes and you decide […]

Stress and Smoking

The majority of smokers smoke cigarettes when they are stressed to help calm them down. The question is, does smoking help to reduce stress?

The answer is yes and no.

When you get stressed your whole body tenses up and blood is pumped into the muscles. This is in reaction to a survival program which gives you the option to fight, flight or freeze. When you take nicotine into your body it causes the blood vessels to constrict and this interferes with your blood circulation. This in turn adds to stress. Smoking cigarettes actually adds stress into an already stressful situation!

On the […]

I can’t seem to Quit!

Just about everybody that smokes tries to quit smoking at one time or another. They quit for a time and then go back to smoking. Why is this?
When you stop smoking cigarettes you leave a gap in the subconscious mind. The mind does not like gaps and will try to fill that gap, usually by getting you to go back to smoking. That’s what the cravings are all about.
In most cases people resort to hypnotherapy to stop smoking cigarettes after they have exhausted every other avenue. This is a shame as hypnosis is probably the most successful way to stop […]

Smoking. What’s the real cost?

When people want to quit smoking the cost of quitting is often a major factor. When you really think about it the actual cost of the process to quit smoking is small compared to the other costs involved in smoking. Let’s look at these costs:
Firstly, and more importantly is the cost to your health from smoking. How much is vitality and longevity worth? How much is the quality of your life worth? It probably can’t be measured. Even if the cost to quit smoking cigarettes is $1000 it’s a small cost when you compare it to quality, longevity and vitality.
Secondly, […]