I feel like an outcast!

These days it’s getting harder and harder to smoke. Not only are there regulations on where you can smoke but society itself regards smoking as seriously anti-social.

More and more people are shying away from people that smoke, almost as if they are outcasts. This attitude is having an impact on smokers in two ways;

They are quitting smoking as they feel left out. It’s quite ironic because usually people started smoking to fit in.
They ignore what society is saying and continue to smoke cigarettes as an act of defiance.

Although smoking is a bad habit I don’t always agree with the way […]

Nicotine, second hand smoking. Big Deal!

When tobacco is smoked nicotine is released into the air. This nicotine is then deposited on the clothes and surfaces near the smoker. If you want to see this take a picture off of the wall of a house where smoking is done indoors.

So what’s the big deal with this? Nicotine is easily absorbed through the skin and when it is it has the same effect as smoking it. In other words it is the equivalent of second hand smoking; it has the same adverse effects of smoking.

Just imagine picking up a young child after smoking. The nicotine on […]

Do you subconsciously want to quit smoking?

The cause and the benefit of your smoking habit reside in your subconscious mind. The reason why hypnosis is so successful in helping people to stop smoking cigarettes is that it addresses the programing in the subconscious mind.

It has been my experience that everybody starts smoking to fit in. This desire stems from the fact that there is safety in numbers and this leads to the subconscious mind thinking that smoking cigarettes is associated with safety and survival.

Interestingly as more and more people quit smoking there is now a subconscious urge to stop smoking cigarettes because you do not fit […]

Quit Smoking and Nicotine

Nicotine is produced by the tobacco plant and can be regarded as a biological pesticide. The tobacco plant produces nicotine in the roots and then exudes it from the leaves to prevent insects from eating the plant.

When tobacco is smoked, nicotine is absorbed through the wall lining of the small air sacs in the lungs. When sniffed or chewed, it is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth. Nicotine can also be absorbed easily through the skin which is the main cause of second hand smoking.

Regardless of how nicotine is absorbed, it enters the bloodstream where it […]