Can I trust You To Quit Smoking?

The other day at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes I had an email from a lady who said that if she came to me to quit smoking cigarettes, could she trust me?
That is a really important question because if there is no trust then the process of stopping smoking will not work. In fact, when you think about it, it doesn’t matter what it is because without trust the process will not work. In a lot of cases people who come to see me have never experienced hypnosis before and therefore need to trust that I will do the right […]

Quit Smoking – accept suggestions

For any hypnosis to succeed in helping a person to quit smoking the client must be prepared to accept suggestions 100% no questions asked.

You have two minds; the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious mind is the questioning part of the mind and analyses things. The unconscious mind is where all the patterns are and it is like a 5-year-old, it will accept things with no question.
In hypnosis, the conscious mind is put to one side so that the hypnotist can give suggestions to the unconscious mind. If you question the suggestions being given to you then the conscious mind […]

Nicotine a reason to quit smoking

One of the worst aspects of smoking is nicotine. The highest poison rating that you can get is an S7, nicotine is an S6. It is extremely poisonous and the only reason that it does not kill you is that the heat of your body causes a molecular change.
Nicotine has been used as a pesticide for a very long time. I have seen farmers soak the cured tobacco scraps in water for several days and then spray the water over crops as a pesticide, works like a charm. If you read the old gardening books from the 40’s and 50’s […]

Smoking is my friend

A very common thing that I have when people come to me to quit smoking cigarettes is, it’s my thing or it is like a friend for me in that it is always there. Let’s take a closer look at this, it’s brutal but you can’t sugar coat it.
We all like a fair deal in life. If you were asked to enter a deal where you were going to get nothing and the other person was to get everything you would probably not enter into the deal. It’s not a fair deal. Here’s the deal with smoking. For what you […]

Quitting for the New Year

The New Year has come and like many people you have made a New Year resolution to quit smoking, quit eating unhealthy foods and lose weight and quit other things in your life that are not serving you.
If you are true to the pattern you will start off great and full of enthusiasm, but as time goes by your motivation will drop off and the next thing you know you are back to your old ways. Why does this happen!!
If you look at your mind you have a conscious and an unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is far bigger than […]