Quit Smoking is a Series of Small Decisions

In today’s world, the term “instant gratification” is often used”. At Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes, we subscribe to this thinking. People want to quit smoking, and they want to quit now!!  Quitting smoking is actually quite easy.  It is a decision – It’s time to stop smoking!  Followed a series of small decisions.  Research how to achieve the goal and choose a method.  Make an appointment and keep it.  Finally, see yourself as a permanent non-smoker!  And live your perfect result.  Just a few small decisions that will change your health.  Increase your cash flow.  Improve your Life.

Many people […]

We are more and more isolated

We are more and more isolated

Have the events of the past few years made you feel more isolated than ever before?  Last week the team at Quit smoking in 60 minutes went for a bush walk in the hills behind the Gold Coast in Australia.  its a brilliant place to get out into nature and destress.    The area is very popular, and we passed many people whilst walking. 

What struck me the most was the majority of people tried to pass us without any greeting and would not look you in the eye. The […]

Hypnosis is for Dads who want to be around for the long Haul

Hypnosis is for Dads who want to be around for the long Haul

The lighter side of quitting smoking

As a Dad, you want to set a good example for your kids. You also want to be around for the long haul.  You want to teach your kids, right from wrong and how to make healthy choices and avoid harmful habits. One habit that you may be struggling with yourself is smoking. You know the risks of smoking and how it can impact your health and the health of those around you. But quitting is easier said than done.

If you’ve tried quitting smoking using medications, pills, or patches without success, you might want to […]