Smoking and Blood Glucose

Nicotine affects the mind and body at many different levels, some of which are more dangerous than others. When nicotine is ingested through smoking and chewing, blood sugar levels are temporary raised. This is the case in diabetics and non-diabetics.
The effect of smoking on blood sugar levels was investigated in 26 diabetic patients and 24 non-diabetic patients. Glucose levels were determined before smoking and 15,30 and 60 minutes after smoking two cigarettes. Both groups showed an increase in glucose after smoking but the effect was more marked in the group of diabetics.
The effects on blood glucose levels may be more […]

Health Effects of Smoking

Here are some of the latest statistics on smoking in Queensland, Australia:
16% of people aged 18-24 years smoke daily.There are more men smoking in this category then women. About 1 in 6 men and 1 in 8 women smoke in Australia.Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable disease and death.
Health Effects
• initial stimulation, then reduction in brain and nervous system activity
• enhanced alertness and concentration
• mild euphoria and/or feelings of relaxation
• increased blood pressure and heart rate
• decreased blood flow to body extremities like the fingers and toes
• dizziness, nausea, watery eyes and acid in the stomach
• decreased appetite, taste and smell.
• less or no sense of […]

Why Do You Want To Quit?

Before starting any process to quit smoking it is advisable to get really clear why you want to quit. Once you are clear picture what your life will be like when you quit. See it and feel it. I suggest a feeling board. Write your feelings down of how you are going to feel when you quit. A thought coupled with a feeling is so much more powerful than a thought alone. Like everything in life if you do some planning then it works so much better. Do some pre work on why you want to quit and how your […]

Why Do You Smoke?

People smoke because the act of smoking is personally meaningful to them. When quitting it is useful to explore the reasons and benefits of smoking. Ask the following questions:
1. How will smoking help or change this situation?
2. What situations make you smoke more?
3. What emotion or feeling am I trying to avoid or deny?
4. If I were not to smoke now,what would I feel? How would I handle that feeling?
5. What would I do with the energy that is freed up from quitting smoking?
6. What do I get from not smoking?
The most important factor in quitting smoking is a genuine […]

Trying to Quit Again

If you have quit smoking previously and then resumed the habit again, consider the idea that perhaps you are in the midst of some ‘growing pains’. Perhaps you are feeling dissatisfied, restless, ready to change but then got fearfull of the change that will occur. Growing spiritually, emotionally and physically can cause discomfort. Old beliefs arise creating sensations of hurt, pain, sadness, anxiety and uneasiness.
By resuming the habit of smoking these feelings are often soothed, however by going back to the habit brings about a halt to the transformation and evolution of self. These feelings are necessary in personal development. […]

Are You Willing?

Quitting smoking with hypnosis is just as much your process as the hypnotherapist. It’s about you willing to trust the hypnotherapist to lead you to the best possible outcome, Quitting smoking. Hypnosis is the process of communicating with the sub conscious mind. This communication is via yourself and via the hypnotherapist through yourself. There has to be trust or the process will not work. The trust is set up at the beginning of the session between yourself and the hypnotherapist, however if you are not willing to set up trust then the communication to the sub conscious mind will not […]

Smoke and Feel Good and Calm

The habit of smoking is often used to calm emotional issues such as anxiety, stress or low self esteem. Nicotine releases brain chemicals that heighten positive emotions and create a sense of reward, however this is only a very short term fix. The mental association between smoking and stress relief can make smoking quite difficult and this is one of the reasons that you have to be sure in your mind that you want to quit. Quitting in the short run may make yoy feel worse but in the long run it is worth it to gain control over your […]

Why People Smoke

Before you Quit smoking with hypnotherapy, it is a good idea to get clear in your mind why you smoke. If you are clear on this, you can then inform the hypnotherapist, who can then customise the quit process for you.
For many people, smoking is a lifestyle coping tool. Although every person’s specific reasons for smoking are unique, they all share a common theme. Smoking is used as a way to suppress uncomfortable feelings, and smoking is used to alleviate stress, calm nerves and relax. Knowing why you smoke is the first step towards Quitting. Below is a list of […]