Hypnosis is a part of Life

A lot of people when they come for hypnosis are anxious, not because they think that they will be controlled but because they see it as something different and allien.

Nothing could be further from the truth as we are all hypnotised at least several times a day. You see all hypnosis is, is a state of focus. One of the best ways to be hypnotised is to watch TV. By focusing on the TV you put yourself into a state of hypnosis. Marketers know this and this is why the advertisments come on louder. You see when you are in […]

Stress and Smoking

What is stress?

The term “stress” can have many different meanings and can relate to many different things. At times it is used to refer to environmental events that trigger a bodily reaction. At other times it is used to describe that reaction itself. Following the lead of pioneer stress researcher Dr. Hans Selye and others, stress is defined as a bodily state rather than an event in the environment (which is called a “stressor” or “stress trigger”).

Stress is the body’s natural response to demands. It is usually felt as an urgency or tension. Stress is a natural and, indeed, a […]

What is Tobacco

Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as a pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, used in some medicines. It is most commonly used as a recreational drug via smoking.It is a valuable cash crop for many third world countries. Tobacco comes from plants of the genus Nicotiana of the Solanaceae family (nightshade family). The product is manufactured from the leaf and used in cigars and cigarettes, snuff, and pipe and chewing tobacco. Tobacco plants are also used in plant bioengineering, and some of the 60 species are grown as ornamentals. The chief […]

Do Cigarette Filters Help?

Before the 1950s, there was no such thing as a filter-tipped cigarette, people smoked unfiltered cigarettes. At that time, there was a growing perception that cigarettes might be harmful, but there was no proof. Cigarette companies spent a lot of advertising money trying to convince everyone that cigarettes were okay.

That all changed in the 1950s with the release of the first medical studies that conclusively linked smoking and lung cancer. One response to these medical studies was the mass-marketing of the filter-tip cigarette. The idea behind the filter was to screen out tar and nicotine to make the cigarette “safer.” By […]

How to Successfully Quit Smoking

In all the years I have helped people to quit smoking I have seen some common factors that have led to successfully quitting smoking. many people when they come to me are nervous and feel that hypnosis is some sort of mind control. Nothing could be further from the truth, you see hypnosis is a common state for us and we are hypnotised at least several times a day. All hypnosis is is a state of focus, every time you go into a state of focus you are hypnotised!!

Now back to some of the common factors that ensure success for […]

Time Out

Everybody who smokes connects the act of smoking with some activity in their life, these are called triggers as they are the activities that trigger a person to smoke. A lot of people that I see tell me that one of the triggers for them to smoke is to have time out. Taking the time to smoke gives them a break from the activity that they are currently doing. The movement of bringing a cigarette to the mouth also gives a calming effect.

Deep breathing can give the same effect. Instead of taking time out to smoke a cigarette, take the time […]

Why Do People Smoke

When quitting smoking it is important to understand why you smoke. People smoke for the following reasons:

1. Lifestyle Coping Tool : Smoking can be used as a way to suppress uncomfortable feelings and alleviate stress, calm nerves and to relax. It can also be a way of taking time out from a situation.

2. Tranquliser: Smokers with emotional stress or chronic pain often turn to smoking as an attempt to treat pain. There is some evidence that nicotine can soothe pain, mental and physical through working on the pleasure centres of the brain.

3. Feel Good: Nicotine works on the pleasure centres of […]

Social Smoking

Many people smoke socially and it has become quite a trend. People think that if they just have a few cigarettes a week, usually on the weekend, with a drink and friends it is alright and will not affect their health. What many of us may not know is just how hazardous social smoking can be.
Why social smoking is so dangerous?

What is social smoking?

Social smoking is a term used to describe those who smoke occasionally, such as at gatherings on the weekends, when others around them are smoking as well. A social smoker will often light up when enjoying a drink at […]

New Year Goals

Many of us will set goals this coming New Year and within six weeks we will give up? Why is that? The goals are set with the best of intention and often if achieved will benefit us greatly, as an example quit smoking. The reason why we give up on these goals is that that are not attached or in alignment with our greatest values. You see when a goal is attached to our highest values it is easy to obtain, when it is not in alignment with our ou will not achieve highest values we will procrastinate and not […]

Nicotine Cravings

Some smokers quit and never feel compelled to smoke again, whilst others feel they need constant vigilance to prevent resuming their smoking habit years after they quit. Usually tobacco cravings will often begin within the first 6 to 12 hours after quitting. Those people who have  to fight the strong urge to smoke again are comparable to the alcoholic who lives from day to day fighting their addiction. In these instances cravings can continue for a while after quitting. This often happens when some part of the non concious mind does not want to quit smoking and a further hypnosis […]