To Succeed you need to Engage

I had a client come to see me for quit smoking. Before we started I was careful to explain that you have to engage for the process to succeed. In other words, you have to accept all suggestions and act on them.
Not long into the hypnosis session I noticed that she was just closing her eyes but not accepting the suggestions that I was giving her. I stopped the session and then asked her what was going on for her. She told me that she was consumed about the recent death of a friend and was finding it very hard […]

Stop smoking and enjoy a new friend

When I ask my clients if they really want to quit smoking a lot of them say yes and then but. This but is usually followed by smoking has been my thing and has always been there for me or what am I going to do instead.


Let’s look at this a little more closely. Even though your smoking habit has been there for you and it is like a friend that relationship can have serious consequences. These consequences are usually an early and miserable death.


To break the habit or relationship with smoking you need to replace it with another relationship […]

Why can people smoke and be healthy?

Some people can smoke all their lives and it does not seem to affect them. They live to a ripe old age and they die from something not related to smoking.

The answer I believe is that we do not know. What I do know is that these people do not represent the norm. It is a complex interaction of factors that contribute to the effects of smoking and these include lifestyle and genetics.


Just because your father lived to a ripe old age and was not affected by smoking does not mean the same thing will happen to you. You may […]

Look to the future and stop smoking

Let’s face it we all now know that smoking is not good for us from a health point of view. One of the things that doesn’t help is that the effect of smoking cigarettes on your health only starts to become apparent from your mid 30’s onward.

This often means that you can smoke for 10 to 15 years without thinking that smoking is destroying your health. Most people that come to me to quit smoking are 35 and over. They can feel the effect that smoking is having on their health and they worry about what it will do to […]

Hypnosis – the most successful way to stop smoking

Many people that come to see me to stop smoking tell me that I am their last resort to quit smoking cigarettes. They tell me that they have tried patches, pills, sprays and needles and even though they stopped smoking temporarily they went back to smoking.

A lot of the hype around these treatments tells you that you will quit smoking easily and quickly. The truth is that the chances of you quitting permanently using these methods is about 7%. Hence this is why people come to me as the last resort.

If you were to do some research you will find […]

I really want to

I had someone come to me recently to quit smoking. He said that he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and that he wanted to stop smoking cigarettes.
I said to him, if you have terminal cancer why do you want to quit smoking? He replied that he just wanted to quit the habit. It had nothing to do with health, he just wanted to quit smoking.
From this point, I knew that when I helped him quit with hypnosis it would be very, very successful. Why’s that I hear you ask. The answer is that as with all things in life […]

Quit Smoking – Address the cause

A lot of treatments to quit smoking address the symptoms, smoking, rather than the cause of why you smoke. To successfully stop smoking cigarettes, you need to break the cause of why you smoke.
Our brains can be quiet primitive, especially when it comes to survival. In the days when we were cavemen and women the chances of survival were improved if you stuck together in a group. People start smoking to fit in. it might be because friends are smoking, family is smoking or workmates.
When you have your first cigarette the conscious mind goes: hey this is cool I’m fitting […]

The effects of smoking take a long time

It’s well know that smoking cigarettes leads to a multitude of illnesses and that it shortens your life.
Even though smoking causes health problems one of the biggest problems is that the health related problems associated with smoking only really become apparent around the age of 40. Before that age, you don’t notice the shortness of breath and other related symptoms such as the persistent cough and lack of energy.
The majority of people who decide to quit smoking fall into the age group of 40 and above. This is because at around 40 the effects of smoking cigarettes become apparent. The […]

Why Did You Start Smoking?

I have been using hypnosis for many years to help people quit smoking. In all that time, everyone has started smoking to fit in.
The subconscious mind wants to keep you safe and healthy, unfortunately the habit of smoking tricks the subconscious mind into thinking that smoking cigarettes is associated with safety and survival.
When you are in danger your chances of survival increase if you are in a group. This is why animals, fish and even insects hang around in groups. If the people or people that you look up to smoke cigarettes, then subconsciously you feel left out and thus […]

Can I trust You To Quit Smoking?

The other day at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes I had an email from a lady who said that if she came to me to quit smoking cigarettes, could she trust me?
That is a really important question because if there is no trust then the process of stopping smoking will not work. In fact, when you think about it, it doesn’t matter what it is because without trust the process will not work. In a lot of cases people who come to see me have never experienced hypnosis before and therefore need to trust that I will do the right […]