Quit Smoking Thornside, Victoria Point

Do you live in Thornside or Victoria Point?  Do you want to Quit Smoking?

If the answer to these two questions is yes then contact us and become a permanent non-smoker in 60 minutes.

Start Now on Your journey to be a non-smoker

Steve Gardiner is unique in that he is an internationally recognised expert in the growing and curing of tobacco. Now, it is his passion to help people to Quit Smoking permanently and take back control of their lives.

Steve’s background enables him to understand what smoking does for people […]

Quit Smoking Alexander Hills, Cleveland

Do you live in Alexander Hills or Cleveland? Do you want to Quit Smoking?

If the answer to these two questions is yes then contact us and become a permanent non-smoker in 60 minutes.

TODAY is the Best Day To Stop Smoking 

Steve Gardiner, your Quit Smoking Expert, grew up growing and curing tobacco.  He was so good at it, he was internationally recognised!  If you want to know ‘what’ is in cigarettes, he can tell you.  Every ingredient:  sugar, benzine, acetone…etc

Now, it is his passion to help people to Quit Smoking permanently and […]

Does Smoking Relieve Stress?

Does smoking relieve stress? The answer to this is yes and no. Nicotine causes the blood vessels to contract and therefore causes your blood pressure to rise. By causing your blood pressure to rise it causes an increase in your stress. Therefore smoking causes an increase in stress in an already stressful situation. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.
There is no doubt that smoking can relieve stress, but it is not nicotine; it is the physical hand movement. The actual hand movement of placing and taking a cigarette from your mouth is the adult equivalent of putting a dummy in your […]

Cigarette Filters

In 1925, inventor Boris Aivaz patented the process of making a cigarette filter from crepe paper, with some variants including cellulose wadding. Aivaz produced the first cigarette filter from 1927 in, but uptake was low due to a lack of the machinery required to produce cigarettes with the filtered tip.
From 1935, a British company began to develop a machine that made cigarettes incorporating the tipped filter. It was considered a specialty item until 1954, when manufacturers introduced the machine more broadly, following a spate of speculative announcements from doctors and researchers concerning a possible link between lung disease and smoking. […]

Cigarette Cravings and the Brain

Within the mind of every smoker trying to quit rages a battle between the higher-order functions of the brain wanting to break the habit and the lower-order functions screaming for another cigarette (Science Daily, Mar 2007)
Brain scans reveal three specific regions deep within the brain that appear to control dependence on nicotine and craving for cigarettes. These regions play important roles in some of the key motivations for smoking: to calm down when stressed, to achieve pleasure and to help concentration.
“If you can’t calm down, can’t derive pleasure and can’t control yourself or concentrate, then it will be extremely difficult […]

Smoking and Blood Sugar

Blood sugar plummets in many people when first quitting. The most common side effects felt during the first three days can often be traced back to blood sugar issues. Symptoms such as headache, inability to concentrate, dizziness, time perception distortions, and the ubiquitous sweet tooth encountered by many, are often associated with this blood sugar drop. The symptoms of low blood sugar are basically the same symptoms as not having enough oxygen, similar to reactions experienced at high altitudes.
The reason being the inadequate supply of sugar and/or oxygen means the brain is getting an incomplete fuel. If you have […]

The Tobacco Plant

Tobacco is a plant of the nightshade family. The term is applied also to the cured and processed leaves of certain varieties of the plant, which are used in the manufacture of cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff. Nicotine, an alkaloid contained in tobacco, is used for medical purposes and as an insecticide. Tobacco is one of the most important commodities in world trade, and is of major importance in the economy of the United States.
China is by far the world’s leading tobacco producer, with the United States ranking second. Most of the United States crop is produced […]

Smoking and Blood Glucose

Nicotine affects the mind and body at many different levels, some of which are more dangerous than others. When nicotine is ingested through smoking and chewing, blood sugar levels are temporary raised. This is the case in diabetics and non-diabetics.
The effect of smoking on blood sugar levels was investigated in 26 diabetic patients and 24 non-diabetic patients. Glucose levels were determined before smoking and 15,30 and 60 minutes after smoking two cigarettes. Both groups showed an increase in glucose after smoking but the effect was more marked in the group of diabetics.
The effects on blood glucose levels may be more […]

Smoke and Feel Good and Calm

The habit of smoking is often used to calm emotional issues such as anxiety, stress or low self esteem. Nicotine releases brain chemicals that heighten positive emotions and create a sense of reward, however this is only a very short term fix. The mental association between smoking and stress relief can make smoking quite difficult and this is one of the reasons that you have to be sure in your mind that you want to quit. Quitting in the short run may make yoy feel worse but in the long run it is worth it to gain control over your […]

Stress and Smoking

What is stress?

The term “stress” can have many different meanings and can relate to many different things. At times it is used to refer to environmental events that trigger a bodily reaction. At other times it is used to describe that reaction itself. Following the lead of pioneer stress researcher Dr. Hans Selye and others, stress is defined as a bodily state rather than an event in the environment (which is called a “stressor” or “stress trigger”).

Stress is the body’s natural response to demands. It is usually felt as an urgency or tension. Stress is a natural and, indeed, a […]