It’s not an addiction. It’s a habit!

Smoking is a habit and if you want to quit smoking then you have to break the habit. The other day I was listening to a lecture and the person said that there was no such a thing as an addiction, just habits. She said that anything repeated on a regular basis is a habit.

When you think about it smoking cigarettes is a habit. Every time you smoke a cigarette you reinforce the habit. If you take the time out to look at when you smoke you will find that there are certain things that trigger the urge to smoke.


The […]

Smoking makes you feel safe

I had someone call me about quitting smoking cigarettes. During the course of the conversation he mentioned that he had successfully quit smoking for several years but with the death of his daughter he started to smoke again.

I could just use hypnosis to help him stop smoking cigarettes but if there is another underlying cause for smoking the chances of him going back to smoking are high. In this person’s case the deep underlying cause was grief and guilt of the death of his daughter.


Smoking enabled to help him stop thinking about it and it also gave him a sense […]

Tips to help you successfully quit smoking

Here are some great tips to increase the chances of you succeeding to quit smoking cigarettes.

Firstly, ensure that you are in the right mindset, you are going to stop smoking, before using hypnosis to quit smoking.

Secondly, make sure that you are fully alert and fresh before undertaking a quit smoking process with hypnosis. I recently had a truck driver who came to me after driving all night. He assured me that he was awake and alert, he wasn’t as he fell asleep during the hypnosis.

Now some may argue that it does not matter if he falls asleep as the subconscious […]

Replace smoking cigarettes with a healthy habit

I was recently visiting a friend of mine when he declared to me whilst clutching his electronic cigarette, that he had stopped smoking.

At first, I did not know what to say but I then said but aren’t you still smoking? He replied no, he wasn’t smoking cigarettes any more. When I asked him if the liquid in his electronic cigarette contained nicotine he said, yes it does and it is pure nicotine.

I was stunned and amazed to think that he felt that he had stopped smoking because he had stopped smoking cigarettes.

All he had done was replace one bad habit […]

I love what I do

The other day I pulled into the parking lot of my local shops. As I got out of my car a guy came running up to me. At first, I was a little alarmed, not sure what it was all about. The guy said, I’m really glad to see you again. I’ve been meaning to get in contact with you. It’s been six years since I saw you to stop smoking and I’m still a non-smoker, thank you.

I was blown away by this and I thought that I have the best occupation in the world.

Life must have been feeling kind […]

A great tip to successfully stop smoking

Recently a lady phoned me to enquire about my process to stop smoking.

She said that she loved smoking but it was getting to expensive to smoke cigarettes. Immediately the alarm bells went off in my mind. I asked her what was her main reason to quit smoking cigarettes. She replied that it was because it was too expensive to smoke.

Why did the alarm bells in my mind go off? They went off because if your main reason to stop smoking is the cost the chances of you succeeding are remote. You will always find money to smoke! The average person […]

How to relieve stress without smoking

Many people who smoke cigarettes say that they do it to relieve any stress that they may have. Smoking does and it does not relieve stress.

When you inhale the nicotine from a cigarette it causes your blood vessels to constrict, this interferes with your blood circulation. When you get stressed your blood goes to your muscles so that they can react, they tense up. Smoking interferes with the blood circulation and makes the stress worse!!

On the other hand, the act of putting a cigarette to your mouth and taking it away plus the deep breathing of the smoke helps relieve […]

Become a permanent non-smoker who breathes fresh air

Become a permanent non-smoker who breathes fresh air

I had a 70-year-old lady come to see me to stop smoking. She had been smoking for 50 years and was smoking 40 to 50 cigarettes a day.

When I asked her why she wanted to quit smoking at her age she replied, I’ve still got plenty of years left to live and smoking is getting in the way of me enjoying them.

You will be surprised at the number of 70-year-olds that come to stop smoking and who all say the same thing, they still have a lot of years to live.

This week I got an email from this lady and […]

Smoking Cigarettes makes you an Outcast

Smoking Cigarettes makes you an Outcast

When you first started smoking cigarettes it was probably the in thing. Your friends or family might have smoked around you and it was cool to smoke. It was a way to fit in. You may even have started to smoke as an act of rebellion.
Now days, the pressures of society are to be fit and healthy and smoking does not fit into this model.

In Australia especially, it is becoming more and more hard to find a place to smoke. People look at you as if you are an outcast when you are standing outside smoking.

It is ironic that most […]

Hypnosis, an excellent way to stop smoking

Hypnosis, an excellent way to stop smoking

I recently received this from someone who I helped to stop smoking cigarettes.

Before I came to you I was smoking 30 cigarettes plus a day. I had been smoking for 30 years and I was sceptical about hypnosis. It’s now three years later and I’m still a non-smoker and I have not had any cravings from the moment you used hypnosis to help me to quit smoking. Thank you.

Wow what a great pick me up for the day!

The problem with smoking cigarettes is that the habit tricks the unconscious mind into thinking that smoking is associated with safety and survival. […]