I messed up !!

I had a lady come to me to quit smoking in 60 minutes. With this program I use a mixture of hypnotherapy and NLP to help people to stop smoking cigarettes.
One of the keys to success is that you have to want to, but you also have to have good reasons to quit. In other words you have to want to but you also have to have a why!
In the course of the discussion before starting the process of quitting smoking I asked her why she wanted to quit smoking. She gave me her reasons and at the time I […]

Are Electronic Cigarettes Healthier?

There is more and more research coming out about the adverse effects of electronic cigarettes.
At first the main objection to electronic cigarettes was that they used liquid nicotine. Nicotine when put into the body causes the blood vessels to constrict. This interferes with blood flow and causes your blood pressure to suddenly increase and opens you up to stroke.
In an effort to bypass this the manufacturers of electronic cigarettes brought out mixtures that did not contain nicotine, supposedly a good thing.
Last year researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that three of the flavouring chemicals have adverse effects […]

Pressure from Others

I had a client the other day who phoned me to enquire about quitting smoking. During the conversation he said that his wife really wanted him to quit smoking cigarettes.
This was like a red light to me so I asked him did he want to quit smoking or was it his wife that wanted him to stop smoking. When I asked this there was a long pause before he answered which said it all.
His answer was that he thought he should stop smoking cigarettes as his wife did not like it and wanted him to stop. For a person to […]

Subconscious vs Conscious Mind

We have two states of mind, the conscious and the unconscious. There is a vast difference in the size of these two states.
If you were to imagine a sitting room, then one of the chairs would be the size of the conscious mind whilst the rest of the room would be the size of the subconscious mind. It stands to reason that the bigger state of mind, the subconscious, will always win.
When you want to quit smoking cigarettes then to succeed changes need to be made in the subconscious mind. You may consciously want to stop smoking cigarettes but if […]

Is Vaping Safe?

Many people these days in attempting to quit smoking are turning to vaping (electronic cigarettes). The question is, is it safe?
At the moment the jury is out and that is because there is no real evidence that it is safe. Some countries are banning and others are allowing vaping.
Let’s apply some logic to this habit because after all vaping is just changing the habit of smoking cigarettes to smoking electronic cigarettes.
Nicotine is I believe one of the underestimated killers of smoking. When you introduce it into your system it causes your blood vessels to constrict and therefore interferes with your […]

Darn!! Started Again!

Around about 5% of the clients that come to see us at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes for quitting smoking cigarettes with hypnosis start smoking again. Why is this so? I have been doing some analysis of our clients and have come up with two main reasons why people who quit smoking with us using hypnosis start smoking again.
The first reason is that the client did not really want to stop smoking cigarettes. You would think that if somebody came to see us they really did want to quit. Everybody that smokes needs to quit smoking but not everybody wants […]

Quit Passive Smoking

When you smoke a cigarettes nicotine is released with the smoke from the cigarettes and the smoke you exhale. This nicotine is deposited on any surface that this smoke comes into contact with.
When nicotine enters your system it causes a very rapid constriction of the blood vessels and this interferes with your blood circulation. Blood carries all the nutrients we need to the cells in the body and carries away the waste from our cells. When you decrease the blood circulation you reduce the nutrition to the cells and the waste is not removed. In effect you are starving the […]

Do you want to Quit?

The most crucial part of quitting smoking is you have to want to quit. If you don’t want to then you won’t. It’s as simple as that.
Some people come to quit smoking cigarettes thinking that hypnosis will make them quit. They see stage and TV shows and think that the hypnotist makes people do things. What they don’t realise is that the people in the show want to do outrageous things. The hypnotist carefully chooses people who are easily hypnotised and out for a good time.
Hypnosis to quit smoking is not about making you quit, it’s about giving suggestions to […]

Who are You?

One of the biggest difficulties that people have who quit smoking is to see themselves as non-smokers. When you can’t see yourself as a non-smoker then you can’t see the benefits of being a non-smoker.
When you have been smoking for a long time it becomes who you are and in effect when you decide to stop smoking cigarettes you are changing who you are. To change you have to consciously and subconsciously see that being a non-smoker has more advantages than being a smoker.
Consciously you may want to quit smoking cigarettes but if subconsciously you don’t want to then you […]

Quit it All

I get a lot of people that come to me to quit smoking who are smoking marijuana as well. They are either smoking with or without tobacco.

A common question asked of me is can they quit smoking cigarettes but continue to smoke marijuana. My answer to this is no. Smoking marijuana is no different to smoking tobacco.

Any form of smoking after you have stopped smoking cigarettes is just a trigger to start smoking cigarettes again. Smoking marijuana involves the same sort of breathing and often the same physical hand motions involved in smoking cigarettes, all the same triggers.

My advice is […]