Stop Smoking Quickly

I recently received an email from a client of mine!  She said, “Hi Steve it’s been over two and a half years since you helped me to stop smoking.  I have the odd thought of a cigarette but I do nothing about it. Thank you.”
This made my day as she had been smoking for 50 years, 30 to 40 cigarettes a day.

Smoking Habit

People ask me how is it possible to stop smoking so quickly! How can you change such a long-ingrained habit with one session of hypnosis? Hypnosis allows you to move the critical part of the mind, the conscious […]

What’s Trust Got To Do With It?

If you want to go into a hypnotic trance to quit smoking you need to trust your hypnotherapist. One of the most important things to establishing trance is to trust and accept all the suggestions that your hypnotherapist gives you 100%. If you question or do not accept the suggestion then you will not go into trance. It’s fundamental in going into trance.

The other day at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba had a client and as we were talking I could see that this person saw the world as black and white and that he judged people solely […]

Some Chemicals Found in Cigarettes

Here are some hidden chemicals you can find in a cigarette. The toluene in glue and cigarettes is a toxic substance that produces euphoria and irritation of the airways and lungs. Cadmium is extremely poisonous and can be found in cigarettes, it results in kidney damage. Tar is an ingredient found in roads and tires, as well as cigarettes. A two-pack-a-day smoker inhales one gram of tar a day. That is a quart of thick, gooey tar inhaled a year. Mothballs contain naphthalenes, also found in cigarettes. This proven poison causes reproductive and brain breakdown. The arsenic used to kill […]


As people we like to think that we are individuals but in reality we like to fit in and go around in groups, hence the term sheeple. It is the sheeple effect( the need to fit in ) that is probably the biggest factor that gets people to smoke. The desire to fit in is so great that it overides the consequences. Usually a person will start to smoke when everybody around himm or her smokes. When they smoke they fit in and the sub-conscious mind translates thsi as a method of survival. It this garbled message that resides in […]

Why Do You Smoke?

People smoke because the act of smoking is personally meaningful to them. When quitting it is useful to explore the reasons and benefits of smoking. Ask the following questions:
1. How will smoking help or change this situation?
2. What situations make you smoke more?
3. What emotion or feeling am I trying to avoid or deny?
4. If I were not to smoke now,what would I feel? How would I handle that feeling?
5. What would I do with the energy that is freed up from quitting smoking?
6. What do I get from not smoking?
The most important factor in quitting smoking is a genuine […]

Smoking Helps You to Survive

From the age of 12 to about 25 the urge to fit in and be accepted can and will override
the consequences of our actions.

The urge to fit in and be accepted is translated by the brain as a survival mechanism.

The habit of smoking often starts in the early teens as a way to fit in, this habit is
translated as a habit that helps survival and that is why the habit of smoking
can be hard to give up.

The brain is a wonderful organ but it can still be quite primitive. In the past if we
worked together and in a group we […]