Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

As the age-old saying goes, health is wealth, so is it time to quit smoking to lead a healthy life? During our lives, we all fall into the trap of becoming addicted to ‘something!’  Smoking is one common addiction of our generation. People start smoking during their teen years for various reasons; one of the prime reasons is peer pressure. However, later in life, as their situation changes and they decide to dump the smoking habit, they find quitting is a challenging task.

Nobody sets out to let smoking control their lives.  But eventually, it does.

As you age, your body starts […]

Vaping – A Dummy for Adults

                Adult Dummy?

What are e-cigarettes? Electronic cigarettes contain an inhaler, an atomiser and nicotine suspended in propylene glycol and water.

What do they look like? Like a normal cigarette including water vapour that resembles cigarette smoke. The products cost about $4 each and are approximately equivalent to one packet of cigarettes.

 Are they available? They are banned from sale in Victoria but are being sold online for personal use.

Health risks? Authorities warn that ingestion of excessive nicotine can cause vomiting, breathing difficulties and, in extreme cases, death.

There is a chance that by using […]

False Expectations Appearing Real

I’m doing a walk on the top of the highest building on the Gold Coast in Australia. I’m attached to the building by a strap and harness that can lift 2.5 tonnes; I know this because I read the label on the harness. My guide now says go to the edge hold onto the strap and lean back outward from the building. I am immediately assaulted by fear, s..t what happens if I fall? Logically this is impossible, but I have fallen into the trap of fear. Playing out what could happen if I fall. I reassess and think I […]

Smoking Helps You to Survive

At Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba, I have been researching some of the benefits of smoking. Most people will say that there are no benefits to smoking cigarettes, however, you do nothing if you do not get a benefit, hence you do get benefits.

From the age of 12 to about 25, the urge to fit in and be accepted can and will override the consequences of our actions. It is my experience that the urge to fit in will override consequences until we die. The brain translates the urge to fit in and be accepted as a survival […]

The Cost of Smoking

At Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes I ask my clients when they come in for quit smoking what it costs them. This is not just from the health view but how much money it actually costs to smoke cigarettes. Most people cannot tell me. Why is this? I think it is for two reasons;
1. The cost to smoke is not seen in a lump sum. Payment is packet by packet and so the total cost is not seen.
2. People don’t want to acknowledge the cost.
The actual cost of cigarettes makes more impact in first world countries as taxation has made […]

Filters Destroy The Environment

In this blog I thought that I would give you some information about your cigarettes. I find that with my clients at Quit Smoking Expert in Capalaba if I give them a better understanding of their habit there success rate in quitting smoking cigarettes increases. As the main success factor for quitting smoking with hypnosis is you have to want to I also find that by having a better idea of smoking helps with this motivation.

In 1925, inventor Boris Aivaz patented the process of making a cigarette filter from crepe paper, with some variants including cellulose wadding. Aivaz produced the […]

It can’t be done

The other day I was speaking to another clinical hypnotherapist who said that you could not quit smoking in 60 minutes with hypnotherapy. As the Quit Smoking Expert, I of course, disagree. I base this on the fact that at my clinic in Capalaba, I have a real success rate of about 95%. I base this statement on the follow-up and research I have done with my clients.

The habit of smoking resides in the unconscious mind and by changing the programming in the unconscious mind we can help a person to quit smoking. The unconscious mind wants you to be […]

Electronic cigarettes Yes or No

Electronic cigarettes are becoming more and more acceptable these days as a way to reduce or quit smoking but I have some serious concerns about their use of them.
If you look at all the cases, there have been no proper studies on whether e-cigarettes are harmful or beneficial. The most common factor that I can see with e-cigarettes is that they use nicotine in the solution. Sure there are other mixes without nicotine, but most people are using nicotine mixes.
Before working as a hypnotherapist and becoming a quit-smoking expert, I worked as a crop scientist in the tobacco industry. This […]

Who Do You Trust?

Trust is an interesting concept, it can be defined as: Reliance on another person or entity. Trust starts to establish itself the moment you meet a person. You sum this up very quickly from how the person looks, speaks, how they stand and the tone of the voice. Trust then continues to build as you go along.

Hypnotherapy has a huge element of trust as quite often people think that they are doing something that is new or unknown. You are trusting the hypnotherapist to do the right thing by you.

Trust is also a two-way street, and not only does the […]

Darn!! Started Again!

Around about 5% of the clients that come to see us at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes for quitting smoking cigarettes with hypnosis start smoking again. Why is this so? I have been doing some analysis of our clients and have come up with two main reasons why people who quit smoking with us using hypnosis start smoking again.

The first reason is that the client did not really want to quit smoking. You would think that if somebody came to see us they really did want to quit. Everybody that smokes needs to quit smoking but not everybody wants to. […]