Accept Suggestions

Just recently, at Quit Smoking Expert in Capalaba, I had someone who found it difficult to go into a trance. Before the process, I emphasised that he would need to accept all my suggestions 100% with no questions asked. I told him that he if did not accept my suggestions or questioned them, the process of going into a trance would not work. I also emphasised that I would not give him any inappropriate suggestions as he would not accept them and would not be good for my business if I had clients saying that I was giving inappropriate suggestions.
All […]

Smoking Is My Friend

I’ve recently had a few people that have come to me to quit smoking in 60 minutes in Capalaba that have told me that smoking is like a friend to them. It is always there, and they can get comfort from it.
This is seriously flawed thinking. Smoking will shorten your life, it is often a slow and miserable way to die, it increases your chance of stroke, it increases your chance of cancer and heart disease, plus many other things. If you knew someone that would slowly and surely kill you, would you be friends with them? Of course, the […]

What You Think Is What You Get

What you think is definitely what you get. I often see this when carrying out quit smoking at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes, Capalaba.
As with all things, what you think can be positive and negative. It amazes me how the majority of clients think negatively when it comes to quitting smoking. Things such as; I’ll have cravings or I can’t deal with stress. If you do think like this, then it is highly likely you will have cravings or won’t be able to deal with stress. When you change the habit of smoking in the subconscious mind, there are usually […]

Sleep Problems

We all know that each person needs to get at least 6 to 8 hours of sound sleep. Sleep is an important factor in our lives. It helps us to rejuvenate our bodies, soothe our tired and aching muscles, as well relax our thoughts, and allow us to wake up fresh and energetic the next day.

It is estimated that 50 per cent of people in Australia, UK and US are sleep deprived to some degree.

At some time, most of us have experienced what it’s like to have trouble falling asleep, to lie awake in the middle of the night listening […]

Set Yourself Up for Success

People who want to quit smoking often want to set themselves up for failure, this may be consciously or unconsciously.

When people come to me at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba, they can tell me all the reasons why they want to quit smoking but very few reasons why they cannot quit smoking.

In their minds, they see smoking is a crutch or a friend. Many people see that smoking as a way to help them destress. Many people from the Cleveland, Wynnum and Manly areas say they cannot handle a stressful situation without smoking. The answer is that you […]

Does Smoking affect your skin?

Are you a smoker with an “it won’t happen to me” mindset? If your health is not enough to stop you, is the price of your good looks?

It’s a fact — apart from sun damage, smoking ages the skin faster than anything else. So why are so many still lighting up?

Smoker’s face

Medical dictionaries coined the term in the ’60s to describe the ageing effect cigarette smoke has on the skin. Wrinkles, a grey, lifeless complexion and bony contours were the words used — surely enough to scare off any potential smokers? Apparently not: 27 per cent of Aussie women […]

Tips on How to Quit Smoking and Save Money

Calculate the Cost of Savings

Work out how much you’d spend on cigarettes in a month.  Look at our Investment page to see how much you would save daily, weekly, monthly or yearly if you quit smoking now. Quitting can also help you save for some more substantial purchases surprisingly quickly.  By giving up smoking, your extra cash can build up over a relatively short period and start to make a real difference.    Set up a new savings account that you can keep separate from your everyday account, and transfer your sum once a month (possibly on payday).   If you set […]

What is Nicotine and Why is it hard to Quit Smoking?

Most regular smokers will agree that a cigarette after a meal is one of life’s simple pleasures. Same with the wake-up smoke, the work-break smoke, the stress smoke and the morning coffee smoke. While smokers will list a variety of reasons why they continue to smoke despite the fact that half of them will die younger because of it, the real truth can largely be boiled down to one fact — they’re addicted to nicotine. Most people know the word, but many may not actually know what it is. Here’s the skinny: Nicotine is a naturally occurring colorless liquid in […]

Quit Smoking in 60 minutes in Wynnum, Wynnum West

Are you ready to Give Up Smoking?  Do you live in Wynnum or Wynnum West? Have you tried to quit smoking cigarettes before but failed?

If the answer to these questions is yes then contact us and become a permanent non-smoker in 60 minutes.
By changing the way you think about smoking we’re able to remove your desire to smoke enabling you to be a happy non-smoker.

Start Now on Your journey to be a non-smoker

Steve Gardiner is unique in that he is an internationally recognised expert in the growing and curing of tobacco. Now, […]